Security Tips
Trick or Treat – Why security is crucial in Autumn
12th November 2019
Autumn Security Tips
With Daylight Savings recently coming to an end and the nights growing darker earlier each day, it is crucial to evaluate and, if necessary, upgrade the security measures you have in place to combat the risks that premises face at this time of year.
Once the clocks go back this tends to be the time of year when domestic burglaries, in particular, see a dramatic increase, with Aviva reporting a 45% increase in home insurance claims for theft on Halloween night in 2018, and a 115% increase on Bonfire Night in 2018. The increase in claims on Bonfire Night of 2018 was also around 160% higher compared to a typical day that year.
Although your home insurance, or business insurance, can provide cover in the event of burglaries, there are some instances in which a claim could be rejected. Most insurance companies will require certain security measures in place as the bare minimum, such as deadlocks on external doors and locking mechanisms on any accessible windows. If access points such as doors and windows are left unlocked, or security alarms are not activated when the property is vacant, resulting in a burglary, it is more likely the insurer will reject your claim.
Ensuring that your premises has sufficient security measures in place is essential all year round, however, with increases in both targeted and opportunistic attacks at this time of year it is most definitely better to be safe than sorry.
By implementing the below security measures, you can rest assured that your premises is not only sufficiently secured, but that the risks of targeted or opportunistic break-ins are greatly reduced.
What to do to improve your Autumn Security measures?
Use timed lights or flood-lights on your premises. Lighting is a large deterrent for possible thieves, as flood-lighting draws attention to movement near to the premises, and timed lights would provide some indication that the property may be occupied. These are fairly inexpensive solutions which can make a real difference when it comes to protecting your valued assets. Lighting is an especially important measure to implement for Autumn security and Winter security – without proper lighting, your property could become an easy target due to the lack of visibility around it.
Utilising cameras on your property, or even dummy cameras will likely keep potential burglars at bay. CCTV footage is a crucial component for many Police investigations nowadays and is extremely useful in identifying suspects and providing hard evidence of a crime, so if would-be thieves were to notice the cameras in place, this could act as enough of a deterrent to ensure your properties safety.
Ensure all windows and doors are sufficiently secured with the appropriate locking mechanisms. As mentioned previously, failing to comply with locking standards could be the difference between your insurer covering stolen assets or your claim being rejected. In the 2015 update of the Building Regulations document issued by HM Government, it sets out the requirements for the design of both secure door sets and windows. These requirements state the standards in which door sets and windows should be manufactured and the specifications of the required locks used on varying access points of the premises. By ensuring the locking mechanisms in use not only comply with Governmental standards, but provide ample protection against unauthorised access to your property, this will keep you covered should you need to place a claim, or – better yet – prevent possible break-ins entirely.
Secure Doors:
Investing in a Steel Security Door for either your home or business does wonders in keeping the valuables within your property secure. With bespoke sizing options available, and high-grade steel construction, securing access points to your premises with a steel door provides a strong barrier against any potential break-ins/attempts. Steel Security Doors can feature anti-jemmy bars, multi-point locking systems and can be used in conjunction with a wide range of Access Control Solutions, further restricting permitted access.
Secure Storage:
Keeping high-valued assets or sentimental items out of view of windows and in a secure location is essential in reducing the risks of a targeted attack and ensuring the protection of these items. Utilising a Secure Cabinet or Cash Safe for either a residential or commercial setting will provide peace of mind that cash, valuables, important documentation or high-value equipment are protected from unauthorised access.
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